What is the PTO?
What does the PTO do? PTO stands for Parent Teacher Organization. The Leary PTO is a nonprofit group comprised of parents, teachers, and staff dedicated to improving the educational experience of all students at Leary Elementary School. Our goals are to encourage interaction between family and school, serve as a source of support, and work with teachers, staff, and the community at large to improve our children’s educational experience.
You became a “member” when your child(ren) began attending Leary, and we are so happy to have you. We meet once a month and are always looking for people to help by volunteering their time, talents, ideas and skills. There is no time commitment or requirements other than having a child attending Leary for you to be part of the PTO.
What does the PTO do?
- Organize: We organize and host events, fundraisers and activities for the students, staff and families.
- Enhance: Through fundraising efforts we help to provide classroom supplies, funding for field trips and other student activities.
- Support: We aim to provide support for our students, staff and all Leary families.
- Involved: Our goal is to be involved in not only our school but the Rush-Henrietta community as well.
Lindsey Van Vliet
Kelly Waters
Laura Whipple
Jamie Peskor
Bao Nguyen